The Often Forgotten Need for Repertoire

Many guitarists get sucked into learning scales, chords, and other technical things that they miss one important part part – repertoire. When you get together with other musicians it is songs they want to play with you. How many songs do you know, or need to know? To find the answer, read this article Often…

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Simple Ways to Harmonise Guitar Parts

Harmonised guitar parts is something you will be hearing a lot from your favourite players. It is also something that is not well understood by many guitar players. Even in guitar lessons most teachers do not discuss or teach it. So to learn more about Simple Ways to Harmonise Guitar Parts click the link. Enjoy.

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Getting Out Of Feeling Stuck In A Rut

Many guitarists get stuck in a rut at some point of their careers and it can be very frustrating to the point that many players give up what was their favourite pastime. If you think you are stuck in a rut then here are a few great ways you can overcome it immediately. Click on…

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Popular Learning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

There are many mistakes that guitar players make, not only when starting out but at more advanced levels too. Make sure you know these ones and you will save yourself a lot of frustration and wasted time. Click this link to find out the Popular Learning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them article.

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What to Do When Tempos Are Too Quick

Many guitar players ask me questions about what they need to do when the tempos of songs they are playing with their band are just too fast for them to play well. That is a great question. If you have this problem, you can read the article What to Do When Tempos are Too Quick…

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You Can Learn A Lot From A Simple Lick

Many guitar players tend to overlook the many simple licks or riffs that come their way not realising that there is a wealth of information just waiting for you to tap into. Have a look at this lesson called You Can Learn A Lot From A Simple Lick and see what it can do to…

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The Best Guitar Solos Tell A Story – Do Yours?

Many guitar players just play up and down pentatonic scales, wonder around the fretboard aimlessly, or never think about what it is they are trying to say musically. Are you like that? Maybe you need to read The Best Solos Tell A Story. Make sure to implement the contents in this lesson into your playing…

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The Best Guitar Learning Software – Transcribe

In all my years of playing and teaching music I have never come across a piece of equipment that is as good as “Transcribe”. Transcribe is a software application for your computer that slows your music down so you can learn quicker. It is not only in the slowing down that it is useful but…

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Play What You Hear

Many guitarists hear others say “play what you hear in your head”, but find that doing it is quite difficult. Wouldn’t it be great to play whatever you hear in your head, or on a recording, as it would make learning your favourite songs, solos, and writing your own songs so much easier than it…

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The Forgotten Art of Listening

Practicing the art of actively listening to music is something many guitar players miss. In fact almost all musicians miss this point. This skill is necessary if you want to be a good musician no matter what level you aspire to play at. Click the link to read The Forgotten Art of Listening and change…

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